Hello world!

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Welcome to Grow Create Preserve!

Hello! I’m Alexis, and I’m excited to welcome you to my new blog. I have been an educator in agriculture for years and am passionate about teaching timeless skills that can be used by anyone, anywhere.

The Purpose of the Blog:

  • I have been a hobby gardener for decades. I thought that sharing some insights about gardening, recipes, and food preservation along with practical advice, tips, and tricks learned from the “school of hard knocks” would be helpful to everyday working people with not a lot of time. My goal is to bring firsthand knowledge to everyday people in a way that is honest and helpful. Whether you are an industry professional or someone looking to learn a little more about gardening, you will find something here that resonates.

Why I Started the Blog:

  • I decided to start this blog for many reasons but first and foremost, I found it hard to find information in a format that resonated with me. I was looking for a site that would help me with my hobby garden projects that was real and practical. Not everyone has the time to be a full-time gardener, and I thought a page that has easy, simple to follow guidelines might be what other people are looking for as well.
  • I then started thinking about what happens after you get plants growing and thought maybe other people were like me and had no idea what to do with the produce you harvest. Yes, by all means try to pawn off that 15th zucchini on your neighbor but why give it away after all that time to grow it? Not to mention your poor neighbor is probably sick to death of your zucchini by this point anyway.
  • So, the long and short of it is that I wanted to share my learning experiences with you in a way that is relatable to the everyday person who might not have a lot of experience but is willing to give it a try.

Call to Action:

  • I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to comment below with your thoughts or share this post with anyone you think might be interested. Stay tuned for more!


  • Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to building a community with all of you here on Grow Create Preserve!

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